As agreed, senior management and the trade unions met for a 1st negotiation meeting on 17 April. At the meeting, senior management shared the following points with the trade unions:
- The Dunkirk plant has strengths to secure its future, and the Group, which has invested almost €100 million over the past 5 years, continues to have confidence in it.
- The procedure chosen to implement the new organisation leaves time to roll out the projects (from the end of the procedure and throughout the voluntary departure phase) while ensuring continuity of operations and respecting health and safety conditions. Remember that departures will be exclusively voluntary.
- Industrial relations dialogue is an essential element for the smooth running of this project in everyone’s interest.
A 2nd negotiation meeting will be held on Wednesday 23 April within the framework of a methods agreement to define the terms and timetable of the information-consultation procedure.
At the request of staff representatives at the Central works committee and works committee base 0 meetings, the breakdown of the planned 65 jobs impacted by the project by socio-professional category was provided:
Socio-professional category | Projected workforce* on 31/12/13 | Job impact | Impact in % |
Managerial | 42 | 5 | 11.9% |
TAM | 121 | 13 | 10.7% |
Employees & operatives | 429 | 47 | 11.0% |
* Registered workforce minus fixed-term contracts, apprentices/work-study programmes and CFC/DFC
At the extraordinary works committee meeting scheduled for 6 May, the economic rationale and the list of projects will be presented.
We remain attentive to the needs of every employee, and can assure you that we are setting up the necessary resources to support everyone during this transition period.