Meeting on 11 July with local elected representatives and members of parliament

On Friday 11 July 2014, an initial meeting was held with local elected representatives and members of parliament to discuss current events and issues at the Aluminium Dunkerque site.

The aim of this meeting, which is part of a long-term approach, was to involve local elected representatives in the discussions we are conducting on the plant’s key issues (competitiveness, energy, compliance). A further meeting will be scheduled before the end of the year.

At senior management’s request, the local players met with the trade unions. The discussions were constructive and the alignment between senior management and the trade unions was appreciated.

During the presentation of the plant’s challenges, discussions mainly focused on energy supplies beyond the end of 2016 and the actions being taken in this area. The local players expressed their support in helping us to obtain a competitive energy contract.

The Rio Tinto Alcan energy team in charge of the contract renewal discussions has been set up. The team is led by members of the Rio Tinto Alcan Executive Committee and will be monitored by a steering committee:

Two Rio Tinto Alcan sponsors:

  • Arnaud Soirat, Chief Executive Officer and head of the Primary Metal department
  • Nigel Steward, Senior Vice President, Technology and Supply Chain

A steering committee:

  • Gilles Regazzoni, Energy and Climate Change Director, Rio Tinto Alcan (Committee Leader)
  • Alexis Segal, Vice President Communications and External Relations, Rio Tinto Alcan
  • Colin McGibbon, Managing Director, Aluminium Dunkerque
  • Louise Depatie, Chief Financial Officer Primary Metal
  • Alexandre Ricardi, Vice President Business Analysis
  • Jean-François Malleville, Managing Director Human Resources EMEA

A project team grouping all the necessary key skills:

  • Sonia Lacombe, Director of Communications and External Relations EMEA (Team Leader)
  • Jean-Paul Aghetti, Director of Energy EMEA
  • Sandrine Cahn / Benoît Palmer, Legal Advisers
  • Séverine Gerardin, Senior Communications and Press Relations Adviser EMEA
  • Olivier Dufour, Director of External Affairs France (Government Relations)
  • François-Pierre Defeydeau, Manager Analysis and Business Development Primary Metal EMEA
  • Frédéric Huguet, Climate Change Director, Rio Tinto Alcan
  • Yann Lebail, Financial Operations Director
  • Amélie Hennion, leADer+ Director and Head of Business Improvement, Aluminium Dunkerque

As already indicated in the AP news flash published last week:

  • preliminary meetings with the Ministry of the Economy, Production and the Digital Economy have already been held.
  • discussions will continue more actively in autumn 2014; the timetable for negotiations depends, among other things, on the new European Commission taking office in Brussels.

Furthermore, we would like a member of the energy team to attend the various staff and works committee meetings whenever necessary.


*The local elected representatives present at the meeting on 11 July were:

  • Mr Henri Jean, Sub-Prefect of Dunkirk
  • Mr Vergriete, Mayor of Dunkirk
  • Mr Ringot, Mayor of Gravelines,
  • Mr Decool, Member of Parliament for the Nord,
  • Mr Hutin, Member of Parliament for the Nord accompanied by Mrs Douillé, Parliamentary Attaché,
  • Mr Drolez, Director of the DIRECCTE Nord-Pas de Calais,
  • Mr Maxence TERNOIS, Chargé de mission DIRECCTE Nord- Pas de Calais,
  • Mr David LEFRANC, Chef de l’Unité Territoriale de la DREAL accompanied by Mr Michel PASCAL, Directeur Régional de l’Environnement, de l’Aménagement et du Logement – Nord – Pas-de-Calais
  • Mr EMPRUN, to represent Mr Laurent HOTTIAUX, Secrétaire Général pour les Affaires Régionales
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