Aluminium Dunkerque sponsors a good cause

Aluminium Dunkerque employee Yohann Ghysel’s Twingo doesn’t go unnoticed in the company parking lots…
At the end of February, the contract manager took part in the first edition of the Twing-Raid. This humanitarian and solidarity raid took place over 10 days, from Irun to Tangiers, covering a total of 7,300 km… In a Twingo, from Dunkirk. The 125 crews on the starting line were united in contributing to the same causes: helping local Restos du Coeur associations by each delivering 10 kg of food and hygiene products, as well as school supply kits to several Moroccan elementary school. The participants were able to visit isolated areas, cut off from all transport and access to healthcare. In all, more than 250 pupils were helped.

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