Greenpower Challenge: Aluminium Dunkerque behind the Grande Synthe automotive school

Conceived by the Greenpower Education Trust charity, the aim of the challenge is to mobilize pupils in a competition designed to promote their scientific, technological and engineering skills, by building a so-called “kit car” before taking part in an endurance race on a track.
Held in the Hauts-de-France region, the Greenpower Electro’Mob challenge is “France’s first Greenpower”, and aims to familiarize young people with battery manufacturing and electric vehicle maintenance. Eight of the region’s high schools took part in the challenge, culminating in a final race on May 16 in Liévin’s indoor stadium.
Supported by Aluminium Dunkerque, students from the Lycée Professionnel de Grande-Synthe won first prize in the technical category and second prize in the mechanical category. Well done to them!

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